Meeting Minutes 4/14/20




Call to order at 7:01 pm.


Discussed that minutes are over a year past due, so we need to update them.  We all discussed typing up minutes from past meetings.  Each board member could take three sessions worth.  Board members agreed to help. March meeting minutes ratified by all.


People present Jadivan, Denton, Sandra, Eydie, Michael


Judy joined the meeting at 7:15.


Issue #9515: All Board Member Voted Yes


It was Eydie's proposal


Issue #3057 is in legal.  Statute of limitations running out.  Board thought this was discussed at the last meeting.  Eydie checking.  All board members approved again to ensure it was approved.


Issue #3091: Cars at the end of the streets.  Chose to table the issue for now.


$42,809.06 in Operating  113,125.99 in Reserves


Reserve Study.  We have completed our current contract.  Eydie recommends another company they get results faster without cost.  The prior cost was $950 a year.  The new contract would cost $782.71 a year with the use of prior knowledge from prior reports.  If we start with the new one from scratch $963.35. 


Motion to contract for the new company for 3 year budget plan at $782.71, all board members approved


All motion to close the meeting at 8:00 pm






Notes: Next meeting, we need to approve the past two meeting minutes.